20 Oct 23:59 GMT

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ned-eng-spa gastronom�a
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Collection owner:
Maria Rosich Andreu (245 pts)

25 total concepts
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Term/concept Concept submitter
añada Food & Dairy Maria Rosich Andreu 
barrel A cylindrical container that holds liquids
bodega Food & Dairy Maria Rosich Andreu 
bota Food & Dairy Maria Rosich Andreu 
capsule A pill in the form of a small rounded gelatinous container with medicine in
cosecha Food & Dairy Maria Rosich Andreu 
dry (of wines) not sweet because of decomposition of sugar during fermentation
Füllung Wine / Oenology / Viticulture Maria Rosich Andreu 
fermentado Wine / Oenology / Viticulture Maria Rosich Andreu 
Lesehof Food & Dairy materol 
llonses chop (English) Maria Rosich Andreu 
llonza chop (English) Maria Rosich Andreu 
mit Frucht (of wine) Having the flavor of ripe fruit. Ilia Antongini 
moederdier Food & Dairy Maria Rosich Andreu 
rovere roble (Spanish), roble (Spanish) lucrecia 
sírvase Food & Dairy Maria Rosich Andreu 

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